Several years upon completion of her studies at the Academy of Animation and Design in Toronto, Tremblay or affectionately named 'Creme Brulee', departed her native Canada for Los Angeles. Her passion for animation continues with her work as an Emmy Nominated Visual effects artist in the film industry. Over the last 15 years In California, Tremblay has worked on major motion pictures. "The Matrix Revolutions" - Warner Bros Pictures, "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" -Walt Disney Pictures, "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" -DreamWorks / Paramount Pictures, "42" -Warner Bros Pictures /Legendary Pictures, "The Hangover II and III" -Warner Bros Pictures / Legendary Pictures, "X-men Apocalypse" -20th Century Fox and currently "Beauty and the Beast"-Walt Disney Pictures to name a few. As a visual artist Tremblay pursues her multi talents in her paintings, sculpture, mixed media assemblages and collages. Her body of work is growing significantly, manifesting her expansive palette which reflects her love of color.
" I love color, it creates a state of voluptuousness that I bathe in… everything else is a falling away"
Linda Tremblay currently has a studio at the Santa Monica Art Sudio's.